Thursday, March 15, 2007

13th March. Travel.

With Chris Martin, Adam Tempest, Paul Gerrard, Sean Mcloughlin, Dicky and Vladamir McTavish. (And Stu Robertson, who got the no photo short straw.)

Chris Martin was special guest host this week, and a blinding job he did. Chris certainly mined some comedy gold out of this week's audience, we had the Hexam dog fighting league (they don't make dogs fight each other- that would be cruel. They just fight the dogs themselves.)

Adam tempest was up first, on his second gig, but very promising. At one point we thought he might be a racist, but he actually meant to say 'foxes' not 'chinese'. King of one liners, Paul Gerrard, was back, and exploiting his striking resemblance to Britney Spears. Sean Mcloughlin returned- self derprication and illusions of grandure in one paradoxical passage. He claimed to be born in bethlehem, but later admitted his child psychologist feared for his mental health, as she'd never seen so much radiohead in one bedroom. Stu Robertson was back, with a solid routine rather than his usual last minute ramble. He's the closest we get to a social conscience, Stu highlighted the case of the Jamaican woman who's being deported- even though both her sons are soldiers who've served in Iraq. To lessen the imigrant burden Stu offered to go to Afganistan himself (why should people trafficers go back with an empty van) he doesn't have much on. Dicky, with the Hexam possie in tow, introduced us to the world of pornographic mime- an untapped genre. Finishing off was Vladamir Mc Tavish, he was delighted to be in newcastle- because he could actually smoke indoors.

The competition was this old joke...

My Wife went on holiday.
No, She went of her own accord.

There's no need to ask her, I've just told you.

Chris didn't have much faith in it, saying 'I think those are the only 2 that work, If anyone gets another one I'll buy them a drink.' And true enough answers were thin on the ground but the victor was;

No, she wasn't mad so I didn't gas her.

You wags!