Friday, December 03, 2010

New Year new(ish) review!

Gig Review LLC 18th January

My first gig back reviewing LLC this year and as usual Dan Willis was propping up all the acts on stage. No need for a mic as we had an small crowd, but Dan used one anyway to make him feel all tele! Nick Crano Cranston hit the stage first for his mighty new year return to LLC. Looking very like a sexy Susan Boyle. He talked tv gubbins and about his quirky seedy world, with punchy speedy gags. Nick's never one to shy from controversy and tonight was no exception, creating a bit of hyper tension for the audience going on some wild tangents from his material, most of which was new nonsensical narrative wit.

Since Nick was the entire first third we had a quick break. Dan was saying he's good at the art of talking bollocks, not that we'd ever noticed. Dan told his Scottish walking story, involving tights and guns, he manged to turn it into a workshop and we all threw our twopence in. James Tillman was the first act on, last seen at this very venue at the laughing horse competition heat. Looking like a comedy version of Moby. He traveled up from Harrogate and had some nice one liners, with topics on the joys and pitfalls of family life. Referred to by an audience member as 'the stylish one'. Dan then did some dirty sex talk, very disturbing. Next was Richard Fortune who hasn't been in the north for over a decade. Another stylish comic. Talked up Harrogate and porn figures. Voyeuristic style, He had an interesting story about the perfect ass.

After another break the audience was hydrated and ready to listen to Dan talk about asian lasses tits (don't ask). Feeling chartable Dan gave the poor students in the corner a free bottle of wine and spotted a Justin Bieber lookalike in the crowd, and proceeded to torture him with that realisation. Fiona Blacktett came on, adding something sassy to the night. Posh persona with attention to detail. Ranty style, wondering what she could do with a maths degree. Periods and Ginger hair did wander into the material, in a seemingly infinite loop of her own sting of consciousness, memorising. Sean Turner was on last with his zany characterisation, but then again anyone who knows him wonders where the blur between character and Sean ends. Zany and weird in equal measure. A happy return to the club from yours truly the DR in the house.


andrew said...

Whoever wrote this is clearly a fucking idiot.


Complements always welcome :)