Monday, June 18, 2007


80's Luke and James Christopher. -No Camera this week, so apologies to the other guys.

We're coming into the Summer lull and the audience was small this week. Small but perfectly formed as all 5 of them stayed to the end of the show, gave us advice on how to drum up more business and comisserated with the Manchester acts for coming so far for such a small audience. 5 like that are worth a roomful of chatters and hecklers.

Among those travelling up to 50 miles per audience member was James Christopher of York, he actually invented this week's competition, Arnie's terminal put-downs. As the theme is crime, we wanted to celebrate that bad-guy eliminating machine; Heir Swartzenneger. James helped us come up with Arnie style 'death puns' based on occupations...

After shootting an evil a printer 'You have been erased'.

When sword fighting with an evil barber 'Would you like anymore off the top?'

And for an I.T. support officer, who's gun has just jammed, Arnie says 'Did you try turning it off and on again?' But Jame's tough guy image isn't perfect. Inspired to learn Kung-fu, his mum enrolled him for Judo, a purely defensive sport. He can't beat anone up unless they're also wearing a pyjama top with big lapels.

Then came the manchester guys. Kev Rook is going through a midlife crisis, but is there ever a time when it's OK to eat cereal from the box in your pants.

Richards Swan, who we last saw as part of the bizarre 'toothpaste experience' gave us a solo spot. It's the same act, minus the little guy who was even more weird. Brilliant surreal one liners, with a slow motion delivery (which is sometimes needed, as you have to think about some of these lines.)

80's Luke was here, and we learned the origin of his name - it's not that he makes 1980's references, it's because he likes an older lady. That and his Stevie Wonder impersonations are worth the entrance fee alone.

Chris tavener finished up with a notebook of new material, and ended with the best / most unfortunate fraudian slip. Half way between 'Thanks for coming out TO nIGHT / THIS eveing.' Chris finished his act with 'Thanks for coming to this shite.'

-Well, you can't win em all.

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