With compere Al Dawes, Don Moses, Donnachda O Connail, Dan Dynamite.
Also Ben Davis, and Jamie Rothwell. (We've ordered a new camera so from next week we'll have pictures of the new acts too.)
The theme was politics, but Al didn't wan't to dwell on Blair and modern politics in case he started foaming at the mouth. Al's such a nice guy we sometimes forget he's a christian tory. Instead he focussed on Castro - he's retained a certain popularity even though he's a dictator- why? Because America hates him, so he can't be all bad. And there's enormous fun to be had from someone who's survived assassination by exploding cigar.
Ben Davis (still a student) discussed green issues and the Arab Isreali conflict. He's a quater Jewish so he has some insight, not much, but he is allowed to say 'mushugana'.
Don Moses started by thanking everyone for their applause, then wondered if he should. On Jeremy Kyle everyone gets a round of applause, even if they're on to explain why they abandonned their kids in a skip. He ended with a QandA session- just in case anyone thought he hadn't covered everything in his 5 minutes. Still, the audience clearly wanted him to be thorough -the third question was 'What happened in the 60's?'
Jamie Rothwell was recovering from valentines day. He got a shower radio. A charming gift? Jamie took this as a sign that his beloved hoped he'd kill himself falling through a glass door while attempting to dance in a soapy area.
Donnachda was back trying some new material, tales of alien abduction. Unfortunately for the aliens a miscalculation of scale meant he abducted them, in the pocket of his sensible thornproof jacket.
Dynamite Dave was headlining again, though Dave's been unlucky and only comes on quiet nights- so the honour of headlining is diminished by the fact there are fewer people in the room than at the start of the gig. But Dave energised the room and the 11 people still present were howling like a packed crowd. Dave effortlessly wove the theme of politics into his set. 'I saw John Major in the chip shop once, you know when you're in the chip shop...'
We'd had enough politics by now, so it being pancake day, the competition was suggestions for other weird holidays. Tickle a nun day was a popular favourite. The winner suggested we re-start the practice of rolling cheeses down hills, except substituting the cheese with Jade Goody.
i won the competition! where's me booze?! :)
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