Long Live Comedy @ the dog and parrot 23rd March 2010
George, our resident Greek, was taking the MC duties again this week. Don’t laugh at him it’s not his job to be funny. If you do he might take that as a heckle. First act up was Joe Mclauglan doing Easter based material! Oh topical. Some old, some new. George then said something about not encouraging breeding. Like you do if you’re Greek. Dave Mills up next talking about societies unneeded upgrades in tech; it was his first ever gig. He talked about the ongoing demand for the chuckle brothers and pulled off a confident performance. Even George praised him afterward high praise indeed!
Up after the first break was Lee Kyle, who was going to go political, but instead just kept to the tried and tested route of masturbation and sex. Cock sucker? Apparently not as he couldn’t quite reach that far yet, keep trying Lee. Filth, sex, porno and old porn mags came up into the banter then he ended with his shoe gag, which I’m not quite sure most people actually got. George then couldn’t resist talking sex himself, finally mentions the theme of the night and talks about karma. Then another break.
Adam Lumley enters the stage well dressed, looking quite posh with a scarf and a suit. He talks up religion, priests and the catholic church. He has ADD not ADHD and explains the difference. He over thinks being a dwarf and the problems with 24 the series real time element. Another break.
Up after the break was Carlos trying new stuff, mostly stuff that didn’t work, win some lose some. Still his stage presence was improving and if it wasn’t for the need for paper the crowd would have taken him into their hearts more (probably!)
Finally tonight and headlining was Dickie Gardner with new material an ex fatty Dickie is now fully recovered. Talks about taking a piss James Bond Style and other political satire. Pointing out the many pitfalls of the BNP’s Nick Griffin, using his camp voice style to great effect on occasion. It was a good set and another good night in the pink triangle.