Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's was an end of term party and our last show before the hols, And the celebs were out in force! Al Murray; Morrisey; Peter cook and Dudley Moore; Bobcat Golthwaite; Larry David... well us pretending to be them in bad wigs.

Friday, December 07, 2007


Pete Thompson was compere this week, and cobbled some rubbish together after being told he was running the night alone with 20 minutes notice.
Paul Gerrard started the show with his usual assault of top one-liners.

We saw Alex Ryden at Cool Fun in Durham (it is both cool and fun, and it's over a chip shop) Alex tries to inject excitment into his life by trying to start up programmes on the computer after he's pressed shut down.

Mikey J was up next- it was only his 3rd gig, but he came with his own film crew. A popular act (well the first 2 rows were his mates-thanks for coming guys- saved us from another december wash-out.) but he deserved the laughs, an impressive start from the white Gok Wan - how to look lanky naked.

Next up were pirate chat who've been doing their podcasts for a while but were stepping infront of real people for the first time. A Vic and Bob style question and answer session, it was charming and surreal- it's a long time since an act brought a bottle of Liam Neason's tears on stage.

To wrap up the night Gareth Johnson did a modern folk song on Gordon Brown, and then we had the delights of Nolbert Stump. This week introducing us to a trick involving his pet ferret. It didn't end well for the ferret.